Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Chaptor !#

It was quiet as Kenneth slipped into the Monastery. There was an electricity in the air as Kenneth searched the broken interior of the building.

"Come out come out where ever you are." He whispered into the darkness.

There was a minimal amount of light shining through a hole in the roof as he entered the main hall of the Monastery. There was a pile of wooden debris on the eastern side of the room where part of the roof had collapsed taking some of the underlying structure with it. Kenneth scanned the room looking for the source of the thick honey/blood smell that had invaded his nostrils.

"Joining the feast?"

Kenneth spun around to find the voice. There was a large figure emerging from the shadow behind the debris in the corner of the Monastery, presumably the last werewolf left from the earlier slaughter.

"Yeah," Kenneth responded, "It looks like I'm a little late, your friends must have all taken doggy bags."

YES! I've been waiting forever to use that joke!

"Yeah well, what can I say.. we don't get to feed like this very often. They bring there own condiments." Chuckled the dark stranger.

"Monk honey and jam isn't exactly my cup of tea" Kenneth replied with obviously fake friendliness.

"No?" Replied the adversary, his face turning red with contempt.

Kenneth approached the figure slowly. He felt almost embarrassed as his pants and jacket tore during the transformation.

"Aaaaahhhhhhh" Brett screamed at a shrill pitch. He had burst through the door and was flailing his shotgun through the air, sometimes at Kenneth, sometimes his opponent. There was some confusion as the stranger rushed toward Brett, obviously not detoured by his firearm. Kenneth meet him just before he struck Brett, tucking his head and shoulder he forced the full amount of his weight into the other wolf's ribs. There was a brief cry and the air was forced from his enemy's lungs. There was a brief struggle and they were both quickly on there feet. Moving quickly Kenneth slipped past the still struggling figure and then striking from behind rapped his hands around his neck and drove his knee swiftly into his opponents back.

Brett was still screaming as Kenneth fought the attacker. Somewhere in the confusion shoots where fired and the attacker was struck twice, once in the chest and once again on the back side of his right thigh. There was a deafening howl and the wounded attacker disappeared into the night.

"Night Hunter!" Brett yelled, trying to locate his friend. "Night Hunter where are you?" His pulse raced as a thousand ideas flashed through his mind of what might have become of his friend.

"Kenneth! He shouted again as he located him laying face down in the shadows of the crumbling building. "Dude, didn't you hear me yelling for you!" He was almost crying at this point.

"Uh, I heard some idiot screaming, "Night Hunter Night Hunter, where are you" Was that you? because if it was, I think I'll clean this up myself.. Nice shot by the way" Kenneth pulled aside the torn shards of his pleather jacket to reveal what looked like the worst road rash Brett could imagine. "I guess you got a little wiley with that second shot.. I may need you to drive home.

Brett helped Kenneth into the back seat of the Galaxy and gunned the car toward the main road.. "Better head up toward Monte Cristo" Kenneth directed from his position in the back seat. He winced as he dug the sliver from his side.

"Here put them in this." Brett offered as he handed Kenneth the ash tray from the front seat.

They drove silently, apart from the wincing at they approached the campsites at the top of the pass. Kenneth was the first to break the silence. "Why were you calling me Night Warrior?"

"I wasn't! I was calling you Night Hunter."

"mm yeah, ok.. Why were you calling me whatever it was you were calling me?"

"I thought it was cool ok, I guess I was caught up in the moment a little.. I had a gun, I felt a little invincible I guess."

"I thought It sounded gay, what was your name going to be? Boy wonder?"

"That's it!" Brett shrieked as he cranked the wheel and spun into the campground. "Why are you being such a dick?"

"Uh, yeah lets see, you shot me!" Kenneth replied still a little angry "turn the motor off, we're probably better off sleeping here tonight.

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