Saturday, December 13, 2008

Chaptor #

It had been two months since finishing off the doctor and Kenneth was becoming overwhelmed by intense instinct that was dictating his actions more and more. He rarely came home, living in the mountains above Farmington with no more then a sleeping bag and some other very basic necessities.

It was almost dusk, Kenneth had spent the better part of the evening stalking a Doe through one of the more remote part of the Farmington area of the Rocky mountains, if there was such a thing. Most of the locals stayed to the road that lead to the peak, and most of the kids looking for a secluded spot for romance didn't even make it that far. Kenneth now preferred to stay as far from civilization as he could though there was still a lingering desire to be a part of it, thus he stayed in the section of the mountains familure to him but only returned home when the desire became more then he could handle, or to check on his mail.

On this particular day he had made a game of how long he could stalk the deer without being discovered. He had hunted here many times and new he could easily outrun any number of animals in these hills and was growing tired of it. They hardly passed for food as it was, and he had to force himself to hunt. Suddenly he heard something coming from the north, it was moving fast along the tree line when he finally saw it, heading strait for the deer. The second he stepped into the scrub the deer spotted him, though it was to late. The were wolf sprang on the deer breaking its neck instantly then quickly drug it back to the treeline from where it had emerged. Kenneth knew he wasn't the only one of his kind in the general area but Werewolves are very territorial and just the scent of another wolf when moving into a new area was enough to deture any one of his kind from settling. In fact Kenneth had never so much as wiffed another werewolf since he came into the mountains.

...How long have I been here?... Kenneth questioned himself as he sat partially out of shock, still motionless in the clearing where he had first detected the other wolf. The moon was high in the sky now, barely a sliver giving off minimal light. Kenneth saw and heard everything as clearly as if it were day and he could still smell the lingering scent of the intruder to his sanctuary. He was as steady as he was swift as he tracked the other of his kind, rerunning the events of the earlier day over and over, He wondered why the other had not detected him, perhaps his pursuit of the game had overwhelmed his senses. There was another explanation, new werewolves' senses weren't as acute as they became over time and if this wolf hadn't been to the meetings he probably wouldn't have been familure to the scent.

Kenneths mind shifted back to the trail as he reentered town at the northern part of Fruit Heights stopping as he neared the highway, It would be just as easy now to stop at home to get cleaned up. He made an abrupt left and head for home. He could track him just as easily from the driver seat of the Galaxy with the window down and by his reckoning he was well over do for a bath and a shave.

Kenneth woke up when the water turned to cold in the small bathroom of the two bedroom apartment he shared with a friend. The place wasn't fancy but it was nice, tucked into an older part of Farmington on a steet that didn't see much traffic, or trouble. Maybe he wouldn't be doing any tracking after all. The shower felt so good he almost didn't care that he had lost sight of his quarry. He wasn't worried, if the wolf wasn't killing people he would more then likely return to the mountains where he made his last kill. "I'll simply track him, find out who he was and then look for him at the monthly werewolf meetings and politely explain the rules to him, if he doesn't like that, I'll rip his arms off." He said outloud.

"Are you talking to yourself about maming people again" Came a shout from outside the bathroom.

"Sorry, I fell asleep in the shower again. I guess I was dreaming."

"Figures, Im trying to do the dishes but for some apparent reason there isn't any hot water!"

Footsteps trailed off down the hall and Kenneths attention went back to his thoughts.

He could have stayed at home when his parents left on there mission but he wanted to show them that he didn't need there help, though they had never pressured Kenneth to move out or even have a job he did feel a sense that they did expect him to at least make some contribution to society. Moving in with Brett was his chance to show them that.

As he lay there soaking in the cold spray of the shower he thought about those feelings. He did want to help society, He didn't care for the 9 to 5 that most jobs required especial now. He had already decided he wouldn't work anymore.

He thought about the poor sucker he had eaten at EFY, Sure he tasted good, but jerks and criminals taste good too. From now on he decided, he would only eat people who really deserved it. On second though, that guy rode a unicycle... he did deserve it, not to mention he had used his ATM card and cleaned out the saps account, which didn't have alot of money but there was enough to pay his part of the rent for the next few months.


Fedaykin said...

Very nice, yes. Well, here's the skinny, you and I are roommates, so we'll need to slightly edit. Yeah, I was thinking I definitely need to be like hannibal and eat jerks. Bravo. I like your sweet headings too what with the symbology and mispelledness. What about spam?

Wity B said...

No, there will be no spam!! To be honest the "Chaptor" was an honest mistake that I didn't notice till I posted he first one, after i saw it I decided I kind of liked it, I'll edit it a bit so we both live at your parents.. well, I live there and you come around now and then.. or would you rather we lived some place else?

Quists said...

Wait a minute, I thought this was a fiction story.... it's all sounding familiar.