Friday, December 26, 2008

Chaptor *

"Wake up Honey," Ashley cooed, "Come one, I've got your favorite, Strawberry milk and toast."

Brett opened his eyes to a panoramic shot down Ashley's tank top.

"Is this heaven?" He asked himself quietly

"Oh honey you're so cute, its good to have you home from the hospital. Kenneth never responds that well to my chest. It's all. "Babe, put them away, I'm serious" Ashley quoted Kenneth in a low mocking voice.

"And Kenneth tells me not to be such a.." Brett stopped himself realizing that the familiar words were a quote from Ashley to Kenneth in just that situation...

"It's ok, I'll wear him down" She replied with a smile.

"Well I have to run, but I'll check up on you ok?" She smiled walking out of the room.

Moments later Kenneth was walking in to collect the empty dishes.

"How'd you like that?" Kenneth chuckled as he walked in. "Hi yeah, I've got to run to my job at Hooters." Kenneth mocked in a high pitched english accent.

"Uh.. she's not English.. is she? Brett asked winching between the light laughter.

"Yeah yeah whatever.. I'm trying to be a vegetarian and she's walking around like that... I don't know how much longer I can last.." Kenneth said, mostly to himself..

"Well dude I don't know what that means but if its sexual innuendo then I agree. If you dump her can I ask her out? Does she like hybrid cars?

"Well I'm pretty sure she is into hybrids but I don't think she cares about cars and all that."

Kenneth walked out to avoid the question, He still wasn't sure if he was going to tell him, and the way Brett was thinking he probably took that last comment as sexual innuendo. Kenneth of course was referring to his awesomeness as a werewolf. .... Just tell him you twit, he'll remember soon enough anyway and then you'll have to tell him about it..... Kenneth shook the voice out of his head and put the dishes in the sink. It was getting late and he had already decided on going to bed early.

The full moon was high in the sky and shining through the window when Kenneth woke up. Rising mesmerisedly his eyes focused sharply on the full moon the transformation begun and as his shorts ripped he threw his head back howling at the full moon. .... why cant it be like that, he thought looking at himself in the mirror across the room, it would be so much cooler then just pants ripping ... this is bull. He then changed back and changed his shorts. He could hear Brett crying in his sleep from the other room.

"Great" He muttered under his breath. Ashley had obviously not stopped by to check on him... he thought to himself.. though, sometimes she makes me want to cry. Kenneth paused as the thought crossed his mind. Slipping quietly through the door he could see Brett curled up under his blanket, all except his leg which was in a cast and kept straight.

"No wonder your crying" Kenneth whispered in a low tone. "That looks horrible."

Kenneth quietly shook Brett's shoulder. "Wake up pookey"

Brett Flinched and screamed grabbing a glass beside his bed smashed it across Kenneth's forehead. There was a large gash and a piece of glass stuck protruding from the wound.

"Brett," he said calmly. "Stop screaming."

"I remember everything." Brett shook "You... it.... you, it....."

"Are you going to kill me?" He asked, still shaking.

"Dude, If I was going to kill you I would have done it that time you about broke my leg kicking me in the shins after I bench pressed the chair you were trying to sleep in... though that was before all this happened to me. Besides, the way my forehead feels you're the one trying to kill me."

That last comment seemed to lighten the mood enough for Brett to keep from passing out.

"Listen" Kenneth said, returning to Brett's room after tending to his forehead in the bathroom. The creature who attacked you was a Lycan. The are an evil string of werewolves. I think they might be Gods to the Unifier's or something.. I could smell them all over Philly Cream Cheese when he was here. I'm not sure what brought him here...

"Dude, werewolfs are not Gods to the Unifiers, More like John Travolta. Duh man duh!"

"Fine, sorry jer"...

"Oh Man!" Brett interrupted, "do you think he was the one that killed them all up in the mountains?"

"uh... yeah.... maybe..."


Brett,KrisandFred said...

Boy this blogs really great!

Fedaykin said...

I concure. I think everyone should read this blog. Even the president. And Wilford Brimley. Maybe even Donny Osmand.