Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Chaptor (

"I'm money baby, I'm money" Kenneth heard Brett saying from his room. "Why is he always saying that?" Kenneth asked Ashley, They had been snuggled up on the couch for the better part of the evening watching Angel episodes.

"I think because he's money." She responded.

"And its just that type of thinking that just encourages him." Kenneth responded

"Well I think he's cute and if it makes him feel better then I think its a good idea." Ashley stated

A couple episodes of Angel later and they decided to call it quits. "Ok babe, My lips are getting chappy maybe you should head home?" Kenneth prompted

"Maybe your right, it is getting late and I have to work tomorrow." She replied stretching.

"Ok Honey, I'll see you tomorrow" Ashley pulled on her jacket and quietly slipped out the front door.

"Aaahh, did Ashley leave?" Brett asked limping down the hall.

"Yeah dude, you just missed her." Kenneth replied.

"Dammit! I was hoping to see her."

"See her what?" Kenneth asked a bit defensively

"Her beautiful smiling face obviously.... and her rocking body."

Brett had barely been able to have a conversation since he came home that didn't involve Ashley and it was starting to get on Kenneth's nerves.

"Well that's a bummer, maybe you should run out and... oh that's right, you were mauled by an evil werewolf and you cant.. dang the luck." Kenneth said ornerly.

"Ok sorry dude, don't take it so personally, I'd do anything to be the lady's man you are." Brett said hanging his head a bit lower now. "Even before you started dating Ash you were going on like.. thirteen or fourteen dates a year!"

"Well... uh... I really don't know what to say to that right now, other then you never will be of course.. I'm going to bed, we can talk about it in the morning." Kenneth said factually

Kenneth layed in bed restlessly, it had been ten or fifteen minutes since Brett had started snoring and Kenneth only had thing on his mind. "I'm hungry ok!" He admitted to himself in the mirror propped against his dresser. "I'm getting up.."

Leaving the house he headed up Farmington Canyon toward the lower campsites, no doubt there would be a few jerks getting drunk and causing a scene, basically ruining anyone elses camping. Kenneth made it up the road in no time and was soon perched mid way up a hill with a view of two campsites below, both containing especially rowdy groups.

"On the one hand those guys over there are just being so freaking loud, I'm not even sure you can buy that music in stores, but then there's this guy over there and for hell sakes, is that? Oh my gosh it is, that's a mullet." Kenneth debated. "Its so hard trying to eat and help humanity at the same time.. I wonder how forgiving those lycans are?" Kenneth wondered out loud, "After all, they do have an opening" Kenneth chuckled at the idea of him being evil. "Oh that's rich."

He'd decided on Mullet and moved quickly but quietly down the hill.

"Hey Beer and stuff WOO HOOO" Mullet shouted at his partner in crime "Beer Bong"

"I know man, I know!" Beer Bong responded following suit.

....Oh wow and I thought the guy on the unicycle was bad, I think these guys take the cake....
Kenneth debated on whether to just wait till Beer Bongs back was turned to grab Mullet or if he should wait till they finally passed out and then play up the whole "wild animal attack." It was always a good laugh. In the end though he decided against waiting for these two to fall asleep, there was something a little homoerotic about the way Mullet kept complementing Beer Bong and he didn't want to witness anything he didn't want to. Its like Brett always said, "There are just some things you cant un see."

Just as he was ready to make his move an empty beer bottle came hurdeling in from somewhere in the neighboring camp site barley missing Beer Bongs head. "Hey man, whatn d hell?" Mullet shouted angrily.

"What's that?" Came a reply from the other campsite. "I couldn't hear you with all that hair getting in the way?"

"Oh its on, it's on now" Mullet shouted back enraged. "Hold me back Steve-o"

"Billy Ray Cyrus called, he wants his hair back" Shouted one of the guys from the other campsite, presumably the one who had thrown the bottle

Beer Bong, aka Steve-o was to busy throwing up and crying for his Momma to render any aid.

"Ok then, now this is happening." Screamed Mullet, then he was off, heading toward the neighboring campsite.

Kenneth struggled with the decision of whether or not to just wait it out and go home hungry.

.....would it be worth it to just come up here for a laugh every weekend or should I just eat this wipe....

In the end Kenneth decided he could always go to the fair grounds any day to see rednecks and followed the advise of his stomach. He darted quickly between the campsites, waiting till Mullet was in the dark space seporating the two campfire's light to attack. In the end Mullet turned at the last second at wet himself at the sight of the hungry werewolf rushing him. Kenneth was hungry but not that hungry and in the end changed course to avoid Mullet and his soggy pants.

....Well thats great... he thought, ... I guess I am going home hungry...


Fedaykin said...

THAT, was AWESOME. The mullets! Oh wow.

crispben said...

13 dates in one year...unbelievable, that's like more than 1 a month!

Wity B said...

I know, it was a stretch, noone dates that much, its impossible.