Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Chaptor %

"I'm money baby, I'm money"

Brett had been saying stupid things like that all morning, he was in the bathroom, the shower more accurately, he'd been in there for about 40 min and Kenneth shuttered as to what he was doing, "I'm money baby" What is that, Kenneth asked the TV. The shower finally turned off and Kenneth heard Brett again, he could only assume he was in front of the mirror.

"Oh yeaahh, snap it to a slim Jim." "My gosh I am good looking, Whitbeck will those good looks ever die?"

That was when Kenneth realised what friendship really was. He had never wanted to eat someone so bad.. but he had a high tolerance for pain and knew he would be totally alone if it wasn't for Brett, he was the only person he could be tot.. well partially honest with even though he remained oblivious to all that Ken had told him. Why else would someone be the same thing EVERY YEAR for Halloween.

"Ok dude I'm off to work, What are you doing today?" Asked Brett as he pulled his hoodie over his head.

"I don't know dude, I'm not feeling very good, a bit sluggish... , I think it might be food poisoning."

"Maybe you just need to go sit on the pot for a while, it usually helps me."

"Wow.. that's.. I don't know what that is.."

Kenneth supposed that Brett was trying to make up for singing its raining men every morning in the shower by saying "strait things." Judging by how thick he was laying it on he was likely to come home with tank tops and hot pants tonight.

Kenneth knew he wasn't lying when he said he felt sluggish and not well but it was more then likely the fact that he hadn't fed since he came back from the mountains. In truth he didn't know why he had stayed in the apartment for so long, It wasn't that he didn't like it, He loved hanging out with Brett and acting like the average 20 something single guy, but for some reason he just felt empty. Maybe it was time to go for a hike.

Kenneth drove north toward Ogden following the familiar curves and hills of the old highway. The weather, though cold was good and the mountains were relatively free of snow, he figured he could still find one or two hikers in the hills outside the city. After making his way through town he parked a couple blocks from the roadway that lead up the divide that spurred two trail heads. He made quick time moving up the canyon not following the the road. He was warm despite the fact that he wore only his cross trainers, a loose fitting pair of sweatshorts and a light t-shirt. It was the blood pumping through him as he raced up the mountain that warmed his body, and the thrill of the upcoming hunt. He decided to head west toward Ben Lomand, it was a longer and more secluded trail. There were a couple of steep drop offs where a clumsy hiker could easily slip and fall, "Damit!" He said out loud, "I forgot an extra pair of shorts." Kenneth didn't mind being naked, He just didn't know how everyone else would deal with it.

There was a little trick Kenneth had been practicing in the apartment while Brett was at work. He had been doing some research and found out that some werewolves can turn completely to wolf form. He thought to himself that today might be the perfect time to try it if he couldn't find anyone alone.

Sitting in a perch half way up a large tree Kenneth hung his shorts on a branch and surveyed the trail leading toward the high peak. He could see a young woman trotting briskly up the trail, she was fit and had obviously traveled along this trail many times, "Oh this is great, the one time I have to go without pants... oh man she's going to see everything" ...Come on Jeppy, she's not going to see anything, you're going to sneak up behind her and she'll never hear... or see a thing.

After retrieving his shorts from the tree Kenneth made his way back to the car. He ignored the trail and went down the western slope of the mountain, then moved east along the outskirts of town toward the block where he had left his car. He made it to his car just at dusk and ignored the speed limit on his way back to Farmington.

"Hey there you are, woooow you stink.. and your covered in dirt... where have you been?" Asked Brett as Kenneth walked through the door.

"I went for a hike today and I ate it down about half the mountain.. or at least it felt like it." Kenneth lied

"Well what happened to your shorts?"

"What do you mean?" Kenneth quickly responded. "There fine!"

"Sorry dude, normally after you go for a hike... or a walk.. or, well basically any time your out by yourself you end up coming back with your shorts hanging off you by a thread. You have to be the most unlucky person I know." Brett responded.

"Don't you know anything dude?! Gosh!"

Kenneth stormed off to his room, "Your so insensitive!" He shouted as he slammed the door behind him.


crispben said...

Excellent, I was literally laughing out loud for a bit.

Fedaykin said...

Indeed! You bring such a great sense of realism to the Trifecta Cooperative. The only thing disappointing is your lack of proof reading and spelling errors.

AE Simon said...

why am I not in the story I'm hurt