Thursday, December 18, 2008

Chaptor ^

Brett came home to work to find Kenneth sacked out on the sofa watching old re runs of "The Bob Newhart Show."

"Dude, are you serious, Bob Newhart?"

"I've been watching this so long I cant actually even see right now" Kenneth replied.

"Is this the one with the neighbor that's the pilot?"

"Dude, that's I dream of Jeannie"

"You just don't care about anything any more do you." Brett chastised.

With that Kenneth had had enough, and... decided to just sit there and take some more...

"Well skezzy, whats got you so down?" Brett asked, changing the subject.

"I'm just really upset about things with Ashley, last night she wouldn't stop trying to take her clothes off and when I stopped her the last time she told me, and I quote. "Kenneth, quit being such a gay"

"Wow, dude, that's ruff, how are you feeling about that right now?"

"F'ed up that's how I'm feeling, and this Newhart Communist crap is only making it worse."

"Ok then I'll just be jumping in the shower now..."

"You cant trick me," Kenneth yelled. "I'm not coming in there after you!"

Minutes later Kenneth was standing in the kitchen listening to Brett sing a number of songs from White Christmas from the shower. "Brett" he whispered to himself, sometimes you make me hurt inside." Kenneth wished he could just come out and tell Brett he was a Werewolf. He sometimes wished the transformation was more obvious, when Vampires.... Kenneth thought to himself.... they turn into those disgusting creatures.. wings.. seriously, 1790 called, they want there stereotype back. "Gosh!, why am I only funny when no one else is around!"

Kenneth had actually been in his werewolf form several times when Brett came home from work, probably the only reason he didn't say anything was because Kenneth has covered his torn pants with a blanket just before the door opened.

"Brett!" Kenneth yelled down the hall.

"Yeah?" He heard coming from the bathroom.

"Remind me to tell you something funny when you get out."

"How funny is it?" Brett yelled back, "Should I get out now?"

"UHH, no.. no I guess you should just finish up there and I'll tell you later." Kenneth replied.

"Ok, not that funny hu.. don't forget though!"

Brett had been acting extra nice since Kenneth saved him just before he fell of the roof. Maybe those Unifier Meetings were starting to get to him. They say that when someone does undercover work for to long they start to become the character they create.. maybe that's why Brett was singing so much in the shower lately..


Fedaykin said...

This is splendid and delicious.

Nick Bailey said...

Brett this is stupid, p.s. please stop calling Jana while im at work