Sunday, December 21, 2008

Chaptor &

"Maybe Russia," Kenneth replied.

"Kenneth, what have I told you about being so spineless." Ashley responded. "We aren't breaking up ok, and you cant make me think you moved away ok. Stop being such a baby. You know I'm hot and you cant do any better then me so just give up."

With that Kenneth stepped out of the Range Rover and moved toward the stairs that lead to the front door of the apartment. "I'm sick of taking her crap," "I'm just so powerless, its all I can do to even disagree with her." He said, as Brett stepped out of his Toyota and they met at the stairs.

"Dude, I don't have time to talk feelings right now you gay!" Brett lashed out, "Look at this!" He added, handing Kenneth the paper."

"Oh wow.. Those poor poor Unifires" Kenneth said half hearted adding, "I'm just glad Ben wasn't there that night."

"How can you tell? this picture is just an illustration of the woods with a menacing campfire and horrifying shadows..." Brett replied.

"Uh... he called for you? or... I saw him.. driving, in his car." Kenneth said nervously pulling at a collar that wasn't there.

"What are you doing with your hand?" Brett asked.

"Uh.. Allergies."

They walked into the apartment and Kenneth threw the paper on the table and opened the fridge.

"Let me guess, another bear attack, no witnesses?"

"Ohh no, there was one guy left alive."

"No there wa.. er, oh really?" Kenneth replied

"Hu? No, this guy crawled to the trail head and was found after this beast half ripped his leg off and broke his neck."

"If his neck was broken how did he crawl?"

"Dude, I'm just telling you what I heard ok! The guy had a broken pelvis or something, whatever. Point is, he was able to give a description before he went into the coma or died or something." Brett said in near hysterics.

"Really, well what did he say, it was a bear?" Kenneth asked

"Drop the Bear story dude, he said it was.. well like a dude, only bigger and muscles and thicker hair and like a wolverine hair cut with a full beard and fangs and claws or something."

"Well that's quite the description" Kenneth said, acting disinterested.

"Oh but that's not all, They said his pants were ripped.. is that weird, that a monster would wear pants?"

"Who said anything about him being a monster!"

Kenneth was getting defensive..

.. ok jeppy, just cool down now. lets take it easy... that's it get the nestle out.. mmmm strawberry milk your favorite....

"Anyway, I just don't think we should go camping this weekend like we planned." said Brett.

"We're going camping this weekend?"

"Oh I forgot to ask you, do you want to go camping this weekend?"

"Uh, sure." answered Kenneth with the first hint of excitement Brett had heard on his voice in a long time.

"I think we should lay off till this monster deal cools off."

"Wait." replied Kenneth, "Are we going camping or not?"

"Didn't we just go over this?"

Kenneth retired to his room to go to bed. It was about 11 and he was trying to get on a bit more human sleeping schedule, and he had decided to pack a bag in case they were going camping.


That's odd, Kenneth's brain clicked on. That squirrel is freaking out.


Hmm, there it is again. Wait, that squirrel sounds just like Brett. wait... is his girlfriend over? Better wake up and check it out...

Kenneth opened his eyes, and quietly sliding out of his room he headed for Bretts.


Kenneth's nose as filled with a terrible smell. He new instantly it was a Lycan. He took a deep breath and threw his body against the door, it gave way and he crashed through, quickly landing on his feet facing Brett and his attacker. Brett was covered with blood and it was obvious his leg was broken. he had a long gash in his shirt and his chest was bleeding.

"Leave now!, this human is mine!" Kenneth growled through his fangs

The Lycan turned, his eyes red. He rushed for Kenneth who meet him head on, one hand squeezing the Lycans neck and edging it back slightly, just enough for Kenneth to avoid the attackers teeth. He swiftly gripped the creatures belt and with all his might, drove the Wolf back and through the open window he had obviously used as an entrance. Together they crashed on the grass two stories below the window, Kenneth had the advantage and began slashing at his opponents midsection. In an instant Kenneth was thrown back across the lawn and in the seconds it took I'm to regain his balance he was being rushed. Quickly he side stepped the attacker and wrapping is large hands around the beasts head, with a quick jerk the battle was over.

Kenneths mind raced, Brett was very well dieing and yet, he had to do something with the body. Brett climbed to the bedroom window and looked down at Brett from over the bed. He swiftly pulled the sheets from under him and rapped him tightly. Afterword he ran to the kitchen and called 911, reported in broken Spanish that there was an attack in the trails behind the apartments and carried Brett toward the trail head. As he dropped him he could hear the ambulance approaching. He returned to the lawn outside the apartment and carried the body into the mountains. He would have to dispose of it before daylight, then clean up the apartment. There was no telling how long Brett would be in the hospital before they let him out.


Fedaykin said...

Very humerous. But, I still don't know what the hell a lycan is. I didn't see underworld.

AE Simon said...

I agree I don't know what a lycan is either. I would also feel a bit funny googling that. Maybe I will do it anyways so I will have a clue in what your talking about.